General terms & conditions
- GTC 01.01.2020 (PDF, 286,3 KB)
- Bank guarantee form (PDF, 124,7 KB)
- Parent Company Guarantee form (PDF, 70,1 KB)
- Infosheet_OMV_Gas_Storage_01.04.2024 (PDF, 65,8 KB)
- GGPSSO – Guideline of Good Practice (PDF, 146,2 KB)
Product Data Sheets
Classic 4Sesasons_EN_Version 01.04.2024 (PDF, 111,5 KB)
UBS WR, Version 01.04.2024 (PDF, 134,6 KB)
UBS IR, Version 01.04.2024 (PDF, 121,5 KB)
UBS WGV, Version 01.04.2024 (PDF, 93,8 KB)
Extra Services, Version 01.04.2024_EN (PDF, 56,6 KB)
Storage Curves, Version 01.04.2024 (PDF, 215,3 KB)
Assignment Notice, version 01.04.2024.docx (DOCX, 35,7 KB)
Transfer of gas in storage, version 01.04.2024.docx (DOCX, 35,7 KB)
Sample Contracts
Sample Contract Working Gas Volume, version 01.04.2024 (PDF, 72,9 KB)
Framework Agreement Day Ahead, version 01.04.2024 (PDF, 70,3 KB)
REMIT_Agreement_OGSA_Customer_2024 (PDF, 109,6 KB)
Sample Contract Classic 4Seasons, version 01.04.2024 (PDF, 69,9 KB)